Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Pink Slip Trailer


  1. I hadn't realized that I'd put the trailer on here, three times...didn't mean to do that....was just tooling around trying to figure out how this thing worked....now I can't figure out how to remove the other two...would love help if you know how to do it....or if it doesn't bother anyone I'll just leave it up and you'll think you had too much to drink and are seeing in triplicate. He, he, LOL!

  2. Pink Slip began in reaction to an argument with my husband. He was shooting another webseries with a friend and a new first time director. I wanted to do sets and costumes, but the Director did not want anyone to do this (don't quite get that since I was free, but she was a first time Director and perhaps did not understand the importance of good production values and the importance that color, sets and costumes play in telling the story...sometimes these values are muted greys expressing sadness or disappointment and other times they almost shout at you, as in a wonderful Merchant Ivory film....who can forget the beauty of those production values. Either way, I was pissed that my husband who was producing it didn't stand up at me and decided to do my own webby. Then a dear friend was Pink Slipped the February after the stock market collapsed and she invited me to go with her to one of Edwin Duterte's Pink Slip Mixers...when I saw all of the people who had been pink slipped and all of the news stations who came to shoot this event, I knew this was a really hot story....I guess the effect of the bad economy had not really hit me at that time, and I hoped it would be just a passing phase to the next big boom. I had been working on two other scripts...one called "Friends with Benefits" about a yuppy fashionista named Suzie who uses her friends for their financial benefits, and a second untitled about an unemployed actor, Max whose Grandmother dies leaving behind a $105.00 per month apartment (my own mom had lived in such an apartment and yes, she was the inspiration for Aunt Florrie...my way of grieving her loss)....Thinking that nobody would want to see something about yuppies, I set to work immediately combining Suzie's storyline with that of Max and the result was "Pink Slip". Although I make light of Max's plight of being unemployed as an actor, pink slipped from his night job and evicted from his apartment at the same time that his only relative, Aunt Florrie dies....I know this economy has not been much fun.....and has been harsh for so many people...I decided to keep it light, because I thought we needed some sunshine if not in the real world, then at least in the reel world. I hope that although you may be crying inside, that in some way you might get a giggle or two from Max, Joey and Suzie....Pink Slip asks how far would you go if you were unemployed, pinkslipped, evicted and orphaned in one week....Max goes sort of off the cliff in desperation to keep a roof over his head....he impersonates his deceased Aunt Florrie while his best pal Joey pretends to be his blonde Southern belle homecare attendant Lullabelle....he where in L.A. would you find a place for $105.00/month? But is it legal....we'll find out later this coming fall....when Max is reported to the police for this....but that's all I'm going to say for now...hush, hush, and remember you know nothing at all about his caper. Shhh! Don't implicate yourself.

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    2. I removed the previous posts due to typos that I couldn't figure out how to edit...sorry...told you...I need help. I was telling you about building our sets. In the beginning of our episodes we often have a fashion show and people have told me that they like how it looks..but would you believe that the fashion show was shot in one room with a low ceiling and white walls....and that we do not have a runway? That's true .....no runway at all. Another director wrote and asked me how to do a fashion show without one...it's easy....do not shoot the feet. Why didn't I use the runway....I shoot Pink Slip on a shoe string budget. For the fashion show...the first thing I did was drape some sheer fabric over the ugly white tiles on the ceiling and add some battery powered lanterns because the room is very dark...too dark to shoot in...or so the DP said....then I got my neighbor who was tall to help me put the black fabric up on the wall and when we ran out of black cotton fabric we used a large roll of black plastic that looked like garbage bags but did the job and cost very little. We used the color black to create depth and to put the spotlight on Suzie and her friends who are dressed fairly colorful and the models as well....we aimed the camera at Suzie and friends and the models just walk by and so far nobody has asked me why we don't have a runway...in fact they often insist that we do...ah...how we can fool the eye.

    3. I hope you'll check out our Pink Slip - Season's Greetings on youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Lg7FAwwmLA . We wish you a Merry Christmas - a Happy Chanukah - a Happy Kwanzaa - Season's Greetings and a Happy New Year....oh just be happy.

  4. Just submitted Pink Slip for a Streamy award for best comedy webseries and Michael Adam Hamilton (Max/Aunt Florrie) as best actor.

  5. Catch all of Pink Slip, submitted for a Streamy award at our Pink Slip website http://pinkslip.tv/

  6. I have a question...since I'm really not computer literate somehow I posted a few of the Pink Slip episodes more than once and I'm clueless as to how to delete the extra copies....any and all help or recommendations will be appreciated. Thanks.

  7. Pink Slip sends you all a holiday card on youtube: Pink Slip - Seasons Greetings http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Lg7FAwwmLA

  8. I wish I could figure out how to upload more recent Pink Slip episodes and delete the ones that are in triplicate...any ideas?
